Monday, September 10, 2007

The zoo...

She loved it. A little intimated by the stinky goat, she was reluctant to pet it. After all, he looked a little odder than the golden retriever she is used to. We also enjoyed seeing Mei Lan- the celebrated panda who just turned one and is getting ready to go back to China. When we asked William, Livvy's 2 1/2 year old pal, what the Panda likes to chew, he confidantly answered, "Bamboo!" (Thanks to his frequent reading of "Peekaboo Zoo")

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Canoe

We hiked, we swam, we ate really well and just enjoyed a weekend away from noisy Atlanta over Labor day with some good friends. Thanks, Gitukus!


It's about time...

We posted! Summer has been great. Here we are with our college family that contines to grow. We met in Memphis for a bluff-city shindig. Here is Olivia with her boy friend, Tucker.