Sunday, May 18, 2008


We had the Sims over for chicken on the egg recently. For those of you out of the loop (or subculture)
that is short for the Big Green Egg that Ben received for Christmas, and is now, much to his wife's delight,
obsessed with. The chicken was fantastic, by the way.

old friends

We had a great (but too short) visit with our seminary friends the Pelanders.
Here is Liv with Lily, Sam, and baby Jonah. We wish they could play together more often.
And we were amazed at watching these fine parents harmoniously juggle three children 3 & under.
In these intense situations, it seems at least one has a stinky in need of changing every 10 minutes or so.
They are champs.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Liv.

Shout out to Aunt Jane

So, those of you who gave up on the blog and were quite tired of Belvis... who could be tired of Belvis? You ask. Well, we're back and will try to be better about updating regularly. Here are some of our recent favorites. We are having a blast and rest assured, our sweet little munchkin is right on track for being 2 months shy of 2 years old. Favorite word:NO.