Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Here is Liv with her good buddy, Nemo, also known as Chapel. They have lots of fun together, and get into lots of mischief. And her class at St. Anne's after the parade... Every disney princess was represented.
Here's a shot of her first day of ballet. Sticking the tongue out apparently helps her concentrate and balance. Can that kind of thing be inherited?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


This is still unbelievable to me. I must say how excited I am getting to meet this little Teague... and I can't wait to see Olivia as a big sister. She informed me today that she will share her "comfy blanket" (a queen sized blanket she moves around the house) and her "George blanket" (more portable) with her "baby sister." True love indeed.

Tucker and Mac visit

While the dads were in Memphis for their 10th college reunion, the rest of the Ryans visited us in Atlanta.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Waffle House Princess

Whenever Ben is off, he gets Liv hyped up for a Daddy day. This has come to translate to "we get to go to the Waffle House without Mama." So... on this particular outing, I was allowed to go as the photographer of the Waffle House princess. Pass the syrup, and yes, I'd like a coffee refill please. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Mother's Day weekend. Spent in Austin celebrating my brother's graduation from St. Edward's. Congrats to Jonathan. Great brunch at a restaurant called Olivia! Yummy.

At a recent family wedding. This photo just cracks me up- Livvy with cousin Georgia. It just seems like they are out of Steel Magnolias- the little people version- the sunglasses and everything. May I have some sweet tea please?
A fun summer photo taken by her photographer aunt Cati...This pretty much sums up how much this kiddo loves the water.

Little Gymnast

We are so proud...First ribbon to hang on the bulletin board at home. Who knows.. Maybe she will end up on Dancing With the Stars someday?! Seriously, these past few weeks I've been wanting to freeze time. All of a sudden she seems so much like a little girl and less like a baby.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a cute bath picture. 
Playing row row your boat with Aunt Beth. The big waves were the  best part, as you can imagine.

The Paci Fairy visits

The paci fairy made a visit. It was rough. Somehow giving the "pacis to the babies in China" was better in THEORY. She was a trooper, though. So were we. We made it through the night, and almost caved since we felt like the biggest MEANIES on the playground. But.... she is proud that she is a big girl, and we made cupcakes to celebrate. And we love seeing more of that sweet little face.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

1st haircut

We waited so long for this hair, and mommie has a hard time cutting any of it, but it is time. It was starting to become business-in-the-front, party-in-the-back, mullet. Good news is that the curls have a bit more spring.